Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Nothing Last Forever: Conections

A text to text conection I can make for the book is I can compare it to the book First Blood by David Morrele. The main conection is that in the book First Blood, the main charecter John Rambo is a vietnam vet on his way home when he stops in a small town and the sherrif pushes him to far and he goes on a one man war. Now that I explained First Blood the conection is  they are both in the wrong place at the wrong time and they end up becoming a one man army, becuase Rambo has to fight the military and the police while Joe Leland the main charecter in Nothing Last Forever has to fight gun toting terrorist that take over a building that he happens to be in so he also has to become a one man army like Rambo in First Blood. Another connection I can make is to the book 58 Minutes and based on a plot summary it is about this guy who is also a cop is trapped in an airport that terrorist take over and his daughter is on one of the planes that has to land at the airport, so this connect in the fact that it is the same story but in an air port and in fact is the basis for the sequel to Die Hard witch is what they turned Nothing Last Forever into.

A text to self conection I can make is that in the book Joe Leeland is portayed and not wantig to get into a fight but can when thrown into the situation were he has to rescue his family. This connects to me because I am very reluctant to get into any sort of fight until someone messes with my firends or family because otherwise I am pretty non violent and I don't go looking to start a fight but sometimes things just happen, that I just get thrown into because I care for my frineds and family and don't like when they get hurt mentally or physically. Another conection I can make is that in the book Joe is antisocial while he is at the party and doesn't really talk to anyone but his daughter. The connection is that in reall life I am very shy and I really meet most of my friends becuase they are friends with someone else I know so I don't go out and go to parties to meet new people at all so I consider myself antisocial, and also I don't really talk to peole unless I know them.

1 comment:

  1. I like this.. you connected it very well. This sounds like a conversation I would have with you. Great job!
