Monday, February 17, 2014

Second Trimester: Blogger Reflection

The Post I will be using for this reflection will be my Book Vs. Movie 2 post, because movies are my strongest suit because I can talk about them all day. The word or phrase that shows my voice in here would be this line" like the helicopter crashing into the building is a lot more suspenseful in the movie then it was in the book because you see the spectacular explosion  that John Mclane has to jump off the roof to dodge and then smash through a window.". This line shows my voice because I like to describe things like explosions and action, and I like to describe it in the fun and almost loud and over the top way. The way my personality is shown is that if people know me they know I go over the top with a lot of things and in the book it is more subtle then kaboom! Boom! Pow!, also they know I can get real passionate when it comes to films and other kind's of media. Also in my own writing shows that over the top and action like style were when I write my stories I like to put description of certain things like the big scare, like the  beaten up and bloodied camper walks through the forest as she continues to trudge over the twigs and leaves and as she passes the dark decrepit oak tree as the big grizzly blue monster jumps out extending it's claws, going for the slash as the camper dodges it and starts to run but falls on that one stick.

The type of Diction I used in the piece the most would be low or informal diction. The reason I use this type of diction is that I like things to be either real fast and kind of informal or things to be slowed down and formal, and the first of the two excites people more, and actually works as a good pay off to the slow build. An example of informal diction would be "Overall right now I think that the movie is better then the book and that is because John Mclane is a lot more action hero like and fun were as in the book Joe Leland makes you realize just how serious the events in the book are" The syntax I use is sentence length because I have been known to have long rambly kind of sentences rather then a quick just the basics.  The example in the post I will use to show this is " The characters are different then at the beginning because now in the book Joe has gone from being alone by himself to having this cop talk to him over a radio from the parking lot, in the movie they have the whole police squad show up and they are telling him not to be a vigilante." Over all I do think my diction an syntax is simple but at the same time gets the point across cut and dry, and also that going into detail can help the piece but can also hurt it.

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