Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Book vs. Movie # 3 the endings, SPOILERS!

The endings I am going to compare are the books ending and the Universal movies endings because they are quite different, with different messages and meanings and even different. The ending I will first touch on is the books witch and again SPOILER, Dr. Victor Frankenstein's wife is murdered, and then the doctor tracks him down, and he ends up at the north pole were our story began as a prologue. When he gets there he tells the sailors that find him the whole story and that is how the book is presented, and then afterwards the monster shows up on the boat but the doctor is dead so the monster gets really sad and then goes off on an ice raft and it is presumed that the monster dies. The message and meaning here to me is that when you get what you want in life it could lead to consequences, your not really wanting and that maybe your better off with what you had before. The movie ends with the Doctor Frankenstein getting captured by the monster and chased by peasants to a wind mill and the doctor is thrown off the wind mill and survives the fall but the windmill is burned down  by the angry mob of villagers, and then the doctor is recovering in his castle as his pregnant wife lay by his side as her father toast to the child. This ending seems to be more happy and gives the story more potential for a sequel and has the message that the monster should be accepted not destroyed based on his looks by the villagers, were as the doctor wanting revenge for the death of his friends and also there are more characters that survive the movie then the book by the end. So for witch one I like better, I would have to say the movie because on the screen I find things more powerful then when it is read on the page in my opinion, but I also do like the books ending with it being more realistic and ending on the sadder note with the more tragic characters.


  1. It looks like the story gets really heated up towards the end of the book. My question is which ending do you think would have a bigger impact on the sequel, if there was one?

    1. The movie because there would be no sequel to the movie if they went with the ending of the book because the way they did it is they split the book into two different movies kind of with the second movies Bride Of The Monster plot, being in the book for a cuple chapters but not much so there is no sequel if you go with the book ending because everyone dies at the end of the book and in the movies they find a way to make the charecters live.
