Sunday, October 6, 2013

Frankenstein: Tone and Mood

The tone of the book Frankenstein is mostly a tragic tone because through out the book our main characters have sad experiences.  For an example we have our main protagonist Dr. Frankenstein, who has a lot of people he cares for die because he let his monster escape. My evidence to back this up is when the doctors bride is murdered on the night of their wedding, here is the quote to back it up. "I escaped from them to the room where lay the body of Elizabeth, my love, my wife, so lately living, so dear, so worthy". (Shelly 242) This shows that he feels a sadness for the death of his wife, and that the one person he tries to protect is killed leaving him no will to live. The mood of the book Frankenstein is a dark mood, because it has a gothic horror feeling. To add to that there a lot of scares and death here, with the fact that just about all the main characters die and the monster goes on a killing spree before he dies. Here is quote to support this," My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot even imagine. " (Shelly 256).  This shows the doctors anguish over what he has done and what he has created with the monster that he created when all his loved ones end up dead or severely injured. So overall the tone and mood come together and form the gothic horror tragedy that the book comes out to be in the end, but to tell the truth this books scares don't age well at all so don't look to be running out of the room screaming when you read this book, but it is scary enough that I wouldn't read it to some little kid who is like 5, maybe just the movie for him or Groovy Goolies the cartoon.

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